I don't really have anything interesting to say. I haven't really been doing anything. I'm such a homebody. I haven't been in contact with any of my friends. I wonder what they're doing or if they're thinking about me. It's OK if they're not cause like Dad says I don't need them... And you know what? That's perfectly fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being independent.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
I redid my lab. Hopefully nothing bad happens to it cause Mom was already pissed off. I also went to the doctor appointment that I didn't want to go to and surprise surprise they found nothing wrong with me.
She said I was perfectly healthy. Which I'm totally happy about, but it doesn't help me figure out what's causing this cough I've had for years.
I mean if it's not from some type of illness, what's it from? Is it just age? I mean my Dad basically told me my whole life things would change. I'm not entirely sure if that's what he meant, but whatever.
Another thing it could be is a certain bad habit I've had since I was a baby. I didn't mention it to my doctor cause she's not going to understand. Nobody ever does.
I looked it up though and I'm not the only one who does it. There are tons of people out there who do it in hiding.
That's the only difference. I'm way more open about it and have been known to do it in public. It wouldn't surprise me if my doctor already knew and isn't saying anything cause maybe it doesn't matter.
Maybe I'm thinking too much.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
I made it.
I'm 1 year older... And of course I feel no different. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I'm not looking forward to.
I would make a post everyday about my boring average life, but I've been really busy with Grandma.
She's been extremely active this past month. I'm not entirely sure but her dementia seems to be getting worse. It makes me scared cause you know that's hereditary.
If I get half the things I think I'm going to get when I'm older... Man, you think I'm messed up now.
Just wait...
Saturday, March 18, 2017
It's so annoying when I write a great post and I forgot how to spell a word so I have to look it up cause my phone's spellcheck doesn't understand what I'm saying and my phone ends up deleting my entire post. Of course I'm having a brain fart so I don't remember what I was writing about before.
Which means instead of an enjoyable post you get an annoying post like this...
Man, time flies. Soon it'll be the 19th and I'll be 1 year older. You know when I think about it... Really think about it... It's kind of funny.
I was born in the 3rd month.
I was 3 months premature.
I stopped breathing 3x.
I'm in the big 3s.
It's like my whole life is surrounded with 3s and I have no idea what to do about it... I have no idea what I can do about it.
I realized on the 17th that everything ends eventually. Whether it be your favorite show, video game, song... Even your life... Everything ends eventually.
I just wonder what'll happen when that happens...
Thursday, March 9, 2017
I keep writing some incredibly intense stuff and it keeps getting erased.
Part of me is annoyed and part of me is wondering if that's some kind of sign.
I've been feeling... I don't know what the word is. Nostalgic? Melancholy? Maybe, both.
I've been feeling like this for a long time. It's probably cause I'm getting older and I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be...
I wonder how many people feel like that... Like there life isn't going the way they thought it was.
It's actually kind of funny.
I talk to my friends and family about everything, but I never talk to them about the serious stuff, the stuff that probably matters in the long run.
I don't know why I don't I just don't.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
I talked to my love. Usually we talk all night, but they're swamped with homework that's due tomorrow. I personally thought they were crazy for calling me, but it was something they really wanted to do.
So yeah if they fail, I had nothing to do with it. I just started playing Harvest Moon friends of mineral town. I heard it goes to 100 years. I want to see for myself if that's true.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
I woke up at 1AM this morning thinking about something really intense. I was going to post about it but for whatever reason I didn't and now I completely forgot what it was. To be completely honest I totally blacked out yesterday. The only thing I remember is that person getting upset for no reason. I don't remember what happened before or after that.
I guess I was really tired. That's the only time I ever forget things the way I forgot them.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Idk what to say. Yesterday I was upset, but I'm not anymore. I'm actually surprised at the way my friend handled me. It was totally different from what I thought it was.
I hope I don't do anything stupid on this trip. Idk why, but I get the feeling that I might.
Of course it could be "negative thinking" as that person said. Of course it's funny that person said that since that person is the reason I'm like this.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
It's annoying when people do things you don't like and then when you try to explain to them why you don't like said things they go behind your back and ignore your feelings.
True, my feelings might be petty and childish and true, I might be overdramatic. But they're still my feelings. I respect your feelings you should respect mine.
I really wish my Love wasn't so busy... All the movies I know we'd like to see together are coming out at the beginning of the year. Which is weird since usually the good movies come out either during Summer or the end of the year.
Oh well. It is what it is.
I have my birthday(even though I'm not really looking forward to getting older) and this trip with my friends to look forward to. Hopefully nothing goes wrong and we have tons of fun.