Thursday, May 25, 2017


I know a person who feels like a fish trapped in a bowl... I understand the analogy, even though it's not one that suits me. I personally feel like a bird trapped in a cage. I'm not sure how to explain the difference. I think it's one of those things you have to feel to really understand.
There was a time when I had a ton of things to write about. When life was interesting and everyday was something new. Now it's just the same thing over and over again. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.
I've been thinking of starting a new blog for my stories... Or maybe I'll put them on one of the many websites I'm on.
For as long as I can remember, ever since I learned how to write, I've been writing. About pretty much everything under the sun. Most of my writings are stories that came from my imagination. I'm nervous about letting people read them because no one has ever read them. I remember when I was a kid I tried to get my Dad to read it, but for whatever reason he didn't want to. He told me to let my friends read it. Of course I don't have any friends, so you know how that goes.
There's also the matter of my social phobia and fear of rejection.
Dad calls it constructive criticism. Which I guess it is because it helps you become better, but everyone I know who's ever given me constructive criticism... well let's just say they weren't very nice about it.  I don't know why, but I'm sensitive... and it seems to get worse as I get older.
I was hoping it would get better, but... meh, I guess not.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


I've been thinking a lot. I don't know if that's a good thing. I of course talk to my friends and family about it, but I don't know... All they really do is comfort me by saying they think those things too. It feels kind of hollow though... Of course I might be thinking too much.
I've been playing Harvest Moon a lot lately, but I must of not played it that much cause I'm still on year one.
That's why I had a hard time working with Dad when I was younger. He said repetition is a good thing. As far as I'm concerned it is good cause it takes me awhile to learn certain things. But sometimes I get bored doing the same thing over and over again.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


The computer is stuck in that stupid windows loop that's going around and at the moment there's no way we can fix it. Who knows if it'll ever get fixed. I've been using my Mom's iPad. 
Dad's mad at me for walking around with it. "That's how you broke your old one!" Ha, the jokes on him. My old one broke cause I put it down on the table and somehow(I don't remember how) it fell off the table. It didn't break right away. The screen cracked... then after awhile it broke. As for my Mom's old one. I didn't break that one. It just stopped working on it's own. Probably cause it was old. 
That's what Dad doesn't understand. Electronics stop working no matter how you treat them. Treating them good will just make them last longer. 
Of course you can't talk to him.